No Compromise from Semantic UI

20 Feb 2019

Why choose between eligible code and a beautiful interface?

Truth be told, semantic ui isn’t the best way to improve the aesthetics of a website, but it does make things a lot easier. The basics of html was very simple and quick to learn, but the visual representation of the website itself was lackluster. CSS made the styling of html look a little nicer, but still yet the code was hard to read and would take a large portion of time to understand. Now steps in semantic ui. While it does look foreign to anyone who hasn’t learned html the bulk of the code is actually readable. That is the beauty of semantic ui, if you want something to look a certain way, all you have to do is say it. For example “ui borderless inverted menu” produces a black menu with items without a border. Simple, easy to read, and the outcome is nice to look at.

A struggle or a learning experience?

The idea that your opinion determines whether a situation is good or bad, while superficial, is true. Don’t get me wrong, learning semantic ui was like learning another programing language and I did struggle with it quite a bit in the beginning, but I don’t want to remember this as a negative experience. I want to say I learned something new from this experience that will positively affect me in my future. As of current everything that I struggled with helped lay a foundation for what I am capable of producing now.

Investing in KNOWLEDGE… not a lamborghini

I don’t want to say my time spent learning semantic ui won’t lead to an investment into a lamborghini, but in the near future I will leave this course with new knowledge, not a new car. I don’t personally think that I will earn my living off of making websites by writing html, css, and semantic ui, but I recognize the need and demand for functional websites that look good to viewers and are easy to adjust later down the line. I’m interested in working on a couple websites when I finish college because frankly I have enjoyed recreating the examples from class. It should be known I haven’t done a perfect recreation of each website so far, but in a matter of three weeks i’ve gone from not even knowing how to write html to attempting to reproducing websites from major developers which look close enough for me to walk around my house with a rather smug look on my face.